What does Bridgewood Private Wealth do?
Bridgewood Private Wealth is dedicated to helping people manage their financial affairs better so that they can reach their goals sooner.
What happens when you meet a Bridgewood Private Wealth Financial Adviser?
Bridgewood Private Wealth offers a highly tailored approach to financial advice. That involves taking the time to understand your situation, your goals and aspirations and then helping you develop your own financial strategy. The advice process generally begins with an exploratory meeting that enables us to understand your position. The initial meeting is at our expense and is confidential.
How has Bridgewood Private Wealth performed?
Bridgewood Private Wealth tailors strategies for individuals rather than trying to fit all clients into the same box. This means that each portfolio and strategy is slightly different. An important part of the Bridgewood process is managing the human factor when it comes to financial affairs and investing.
Who owns Bridgewood Private Wealth?
Bridgewood Private Wealth is a privately owned business and has no ownership link to any bank, insurance company or other financial institution. This is an important distinction in an industry heavily dominated by large financial institutions. The major shareholders of Bridgewood are its Directors, Jake Mounsey and Nicholas McKay.
How does Bridgewood Private Wealth charge for its services?
Bridgewood Private Wealth is a predominantly fee for service business. We believe in being completely open and transparent about the way that we charge for our services so that our clients understand exactly what they can expect from us. Charges vary according to the nature of the services provided and the pricing structures associated with different service offerings.
What makes Bridgewood Private Wealth different?
These attributes sets Bridgewood Private Wealth apart from others:
- Privately owned – Bridgewood has no ownership ties to any bank, insurance company or other financial institution.
- Tailored experience – Bridgewood provides client’s with a highly personalized approach to advice.
- Extensive research – Bridgewood advice is backed by extensive strategic research.
- Managing the human factor – at Bridgewood we help clients avoid pitfalls and traps that often hinder financial progress.
- PFS operates by referral only. To become a Bridgewood client you need to have been referred to us by either a current client or business partner.